Job Description
Title of Consultancy
SCI Contracting Office
Save the Children Somalia Country Office
Advert Date
9th July 2024
30th July at 5:00PM
Consultant type required
Individual or Firm.
Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs
Save the children will pay the consultant fee in a lump sum and will not reimburse any incurred costs during the assignment. The consultant will cover their own Logistical arrangements and costs; including food, accommodation and local transport and all cost associated with data collection work and whole activities.
Taxation Provisions
Consultant shall be responsible for all Taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local Tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above.
Travel requirements
The consultant is expected to do most of the assignments remotely, therefore minimal travel is anticipated.
Security requirements
Consultant will comply with standard of Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training prior to travel to Somalia.
Duties and responsibilities
· Text Box: Duties and responsibilities Set and track proposal development timelines, and ensure coordination amongst contributing teams (Programme Development and Quality (PDQ), Programme Operations, Finance, Supply Chain, Security, Member Services, and external stakeholders where relevant)
· Provide direct input, guidance and support to proposal development teams for high-value or complex proposals or bids.
· Represent Save the Children (along with technical experts) in consortium meetings regarding project design and proposal development.
· Review and edit proposal documents to ensure consistency, clarity and quality in line with Save the Children quality standards, including the facilitation of internal review and sign off processes.
· Finalize and submit proposals to donors on time according to donor specifications and deadlines.
Save the Children (SC) works in more than 120 countries. Our mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way children are treated and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. The organisation’s global Ambition for Children 2030 provides an overarching framework for the Somalia Country Office where by 2030 we will aim to: Contribute to reducing under five deaths from preventable causes by 50% (from 146/1000 to 73/1000); Reduction of NMR by 50 % (from 46/1000 to 23/1000); Pupils Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) in schools for Somaliland (SL), Puntland (PL) and Central South Somalia (CSS) is increased to 80% for SL and 70% for PL/CSS ; National learning outcomes are increased to 80%; FGM prevalence rate reduced from the current 98% to 45%; Rates of Child Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) are reduced from 31% to 16%; and Physical and Humiliating Punishment (PHP) is reduced from 78% to 34%. To this end, SC is seeking a consultant to lead on some high value proposals.
The purpose of the consultancy is to provide high quality proposals for the Somalia country office in line with the COs strategic plans and priorities. The consultant should express his/her interested based on the below SCI themes where proposals developments shall be required;
The study will employ a mixed methodology, but not limited to desk reviews of background literature for relevant proposal.
The consultant(s) should deliver the following outputs and deliverables.
Time Frame
The consultancy work will last approximately 90 days including induction and travel days. The days will start by the date the contract is signed.
Terms and Conditions
Consultancy fee: The consultant will come up with his/her own rate which will be subject to negotiation within the bounds of set standards of SC in Somalia the consultant is expected to estimate all relevant costs for the exercise.
Code of conduct
Save the Children’s work is based on deeply held values and principles of child safeguarding, and it is essential that our commitment to children’s rights and humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all members of staff and other people working for and with Save the Children. Save the Children’s Code of Conduct sets out the standards to which all staff members must adhere and the consultant is bound to sign and abide by the Save the Children’s Code of Conduct.
A contract will be signed by the consultant before the commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects of inputs, and deliverables. The Consultant will be expected to treat as private and confidential any information disclosed to her/him or with which she/he may come into contact during her/his service. The Consultant will not, therefore, disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party or publish it in any paper without the prior written consent of Save the Children. Any sensitive information (particularly concerning individual children) should be treated as confidential.
An agreement with a consultant will be rendered void if Save the Children discovers any corrupt activities have taken place either during the sourcing, preparation, and implementation of the consultancy agreement.
Ethics And Child Safeguarding
The consultant is obliged to conduct the assignment/s in an ethical manner making sure children are safe at all times. Efforts should be made to make the research process child-centered and sensitive to gender and inclusion. The consultant must respect the rights and dignity of participants as well as comply with relevant ethical standards and SC’s Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct. The research must ensure voluntary, safe, and non-discriminatory participation and a process of free and un-coerced consent. Informed consent of each person (including children) participating in data collection should be documented.
A contract will be signed by the consultant before the commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects of inputs, and deliverables.
Property right:
All data that will be collected should be considered as SCI properties and can’t be used other purposes.
Skills and Qualifications
Technical Requirements
The following are minimum requirements for the Consultant/Firm to be considered for carrying out the assignment.
• Demonstrated ability and submit proposals to donors on time according to donor specifications and within agreed deadlines.
• Substantial experience in the development of successful high-value proposals with a wide range of institutional donors including USAID, DG INTPA, ECHO, Sida, NORAD, the World Bank, the UN, GAC, FCDO, Private Foundations etc.
• Experience of working in Somalia or a similar protracted context would be a significant advantage.
• Strong analytical capacity and ability to synthesize information from literature and consultations into a coherent project approach.
• Excellent writing/editing skills and budget development skills, with high attention to detail
• Highly developed interpersonal, presentation and communication skills to work effectively with other team members/departments, as well as influence, inform and negotiate with partners and donors
• Sound personal organisational skills, including time management, ability to meet deadlines, multi- tasking, prioritisation of tasks, and working under pressure
• Must possess a strong work ethic, have confidence, take initiative and be a self-motivated, enthusiastic team player as well as individual contributor
• Highly developed cultural awareness and ability to work well in an international environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
• Fluency in English, both verbal and written, required.
• Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children International’s aims, values and principles (previous experience with SCI desirable but not compulsory).
• Advanced degree in an area of international studies, social development or equivalent.
• Minimum of 5 years of progressive work experience in fundraising environment
• Information Communication Technology literate.
How to apply
Candidates interested in the position are expected to provide the following documentation:
ü A financial proposal detailing the daily/ monthly rate expected as per the efforts required in the proposal.
ü Technical proposal explaining the methods and techniques employed in response to the TOR.
ü The firm/ consultant should indicate the theme he/she is applying and should clearly indicate in the technical proposal section.
ü Company profile or CV including a minimum of 3 references.
ü 5 years sample of experience. Please share copies of Pos/ contracts/ Video URLS
Qualified applicants (individuals or firms) are requested to submit their technical, financial proposals and Lead consultant CV including proof of previous experience and the theme applied.
Send your completed package of bid documents to email: with email subject, “FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT FOR HIGH VALUE OPPORTUNITIES.”
The deadline is 30th July at 5:00PM